Welcome to The Afghanistan Project Podcast.
My guest today is Elizabeth Lynn, the director of government operations at Operation Recovery, where she directs the Afghanistan and Grow America Farm Corps initiatives. Elizabeth served in the U.S. Air Force and the Navy Reserves, and has received multiple commendations for her service. After holding a variety of positions with the U.S. Postal Service, USCIS, IRS and other U.S. government institutions, Elizabeth retired in 2020. She came out of retirement shortly thereafter to help Afghans left behind in their homeland.
Elizabeth talks about Afghans who are impacted by current operational orders, the impact on exhausted veterans, and an upcoming resilience event for veterans, hosted by Operation Recovery on March 17.
Find Operation Recovery here: https://operationrecovery.org/
Register to attend The Next Mission Summit: New Horizons in Veteran Wellbeing and Resiliency, hosted by Operation Recovery:
In-person: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-next-mission-summit-new-horizons-in-veteran-wellbeing-resiliency-registration-1205132386409?aff=HWC
About the host:
Beth Bailey worked in support of Afghanistan operations as a civilian intelligence analyst for the Department of the Army between 2010 and 2013. She is a freelance contributor to Fox News Digital and the Washington Examiner.
Follow Beth:
on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bwbailey85/
on Twitter: https://x.com/BWBailey85
on Substack: https://substack.com/@bwbailey85
on the web: https://bethwbailey.com/
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